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Coquecol Group is committed to the prevention, promotion, protection, and respect of Human Rights of everyone related to its business activities, whether they are employees or third parties, in accordance with national and international human rights standards, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business Human Rights (2011) and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance (2018)
Our commitment goes beyond the people who are part of our organization and includes those who collaborate along the value chain, as well as the communities that live around or operations.

PQR Line

In the Coquecol Group, we understand the importance of providing participation mechanisms, that allow us to maintain trust and strengthen valuable relationships with our stakeholders. For this reason, we have the “Contact Us” channel, so that they can escalate concerns related to social and human rights, which let us ensure the due diligence of the expectations and needs identified in the areas of influence.

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